It's nearly 1 a.m. right now in NY. In about 12 hours, Star and I will be heading out to JFK to catch our flight.
I've been saying my buh-byes to family and friends all weekend, including a fab sauerbraten dinner (thanks, Mom!) on
Sunday with the too-fun-for-words tante, cousins, brother and family and, of course, my dear, sweet parents, without whom this would not be possible. The kindness and generosity of my family absolutely overwhelmed me. (Yeah, the cake from Craig and Schmoopie says "Good luck, Andi. London or bust" and was made of the most sinful of chocolates. Yum-mee.)

Tonight was my last Mexican fiesta in the States for awhile.
One of the things that will utterly kill me is the lack of Mexican food in England. Aww. C'mon, guys. No chile rellenos? No chimichangas? And no, the fake stuff just doesn't cut it...In preparation for the food drought, Craig and Lauren had us over for wine and (really awesome) burritos this evening. Again, yum...Should I really be wondering why my pants are fitting so tightly?! Argh.

The 'rents and I returned home following the quick monsoon and began packing the two huge suitcases. What fun: upon learning yesterday that Virgin allows me two checked bags and a nice-sized carry-on, Mom and I ran out to pick up another large suitcase. How we get these (plus me, plus Star) into Julian's Mini is beyond me. Pics will be taken and uploaded, I assure you, as it's sure to be a sight. Besides, visibility in a vehicle is overrated anyway...Best tweet response ever to my shopping purchase? Julian's "Worried by proliferating suitcase situation." (Giggle.)
Ah, and Daddy has now received instructions (albeit speedy/blabbering ones) on how to transfer cassette to CD, using this adapter thing. One of his intended transfers to digital? A few tracks in which he's singing four parts of harmony. My fave uncle had recorded it many moons ago, laying down each track on top of the other to create a four-part Daddy chorus. Cool stuff. 

Anywho, things are packed. Star's docs are ready. I'm, I guess, ready, too. The thing is, I don't feel like I'm going anywhere. That is, after nearly two decades of living in the Queen City, it's as though Star and I are just returning there tomorrow...not moving across an ocean to begin a life in a completely different country. I'm not quite sure when it will all hit me, but surely it should sometime, no?
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