Christmas is yet again upon us...I can hardly believe it. Where does the time go? And does that mean that my time here in England is quickly running out? Perish the thought!
Funny Mark used to joke that the second hand on my martini wall clock used to move much quicker than the true timing of seconds. "I guess that just means we're moving much quicker to our deaths," I morbidly replied. Nowadays, I believe it just means that we must savour every moment that life gives us, most especially those with family and friends. After all, isn't that what life is truly about?

Now, before I get all sappy (or soppy, as I believe they call it here), allow me to share yet another instance of those just-so moments...
Kerry-Ann and Greg arranged for a night of Christmas mirth at the Dog & Fox in Wimbledon, before they ventured off to sunny South Africa for a few weeks. After arriving and moving to our reserved area, we enjoyed white wine/beers and many, many laughs during the evening. From debates over the wholesomeness of a certain children's show star, to chats about traveling in today's world, to playing the BubbleWrap game on Sean's iPhone, we smiled 'round the table for hours. Good times.

The evening also gave us a chance to celebrate the new jobs of the New Year -- both Kerry-Ann's and mine. Hooray! How wonderful it will be to be a part of the working world again. Kerry-Ann will be starting soon after her return from South Africa. It's as though we're on the same schedule, she and I. She arrived just two weeks before me. She got a job just two weeks before me. She begins her job...well, at the same time as I do. Whew, we both smiled, it's nice to have that bit o' stress off of our backs in order to fully enjoy the Christmas holiday!
In her stressless mood, a celebratory Kerry-Ann also picked up the Christmas Santa hats that we're wearing in the pics. Apparently, the proceeds go to charity. Ah, yet another way to give back during the season. Doesn't it all just make you feel so good?

The cameras started snapping and we all got a bit silly. Ahem...exhibit A, to my right. What started as a picture of Kerry-Ann and Greg, our hosts for the evening, ended as one with Steve in front, and Sean pitching in his Santa hat at the moment just prior to my click.
We were still able to get couple-y pics of both our hosts and Steve and I, proudly wearing our Santa hats. It was a wonderful night, and made me again realise just how lucky I am to have found such wonderful friends here in London. It's definitely something for which I'm thankful.

Nonetheless, I still have moments of homesickness...Being far from my family. No Mexican food, as my previous post's rant clearly showed. Hearing about the parties -- and warm weather! -- back home. And still feeling a bit lost amongst the British brands every single time I go to the supermarket. While typically just fleeting thoughts, as I do feel I'm "in my element" here in England, as my boss, Stacey, had mentioned earlier this week, I did have a bit of a difficult evening the other night. And Steve was right there to pick up the pieces and make me smile again, without even a prompting word from me.
I've been arguing with Bank of America for an entire week. They were supposed to link one of my

Steve smartly suggested that we have a chillaxin' Saturday night in. He invited me over to his place to watch Elf, my new fave holiday movie. It quickly moved into the number one space a few years ago after my sistah Alli introduced me whilst at home in Huntington together. Steve, however, had not yet ever seen it. Gasp! How can that be?! And would he think that I were a cotton-headed ninnymuggins for enjoying it as much as I do?

Anywho, we went back to his flat after stopping at the Berry Shoppe for a rotisserie chicken and fixin's for din-din. There, he'd cleaned up oh-so-well, and had set the table fabulously for me, complete with candles, wine glasses, and...wait for it...wait for it...a bottle of my fave, Veuve Clicquot champagne, to celebrate my new job. He obviously had listened when I'd mentioned it two weeks ago. Aw.
Whilst he slaved in the kitchen, I relaxed with a glass of wine, listening to the classical music station he'd put on for me. After our tasty candlelit dinner, we retired to the sitting room for Elf, laughs, and champagne. It was as therapeutic as I could ever imagine and, at the risk of sounding

I had to take the pic with both the flash on and off. I was hoping to get the romantic mood lighting in the one without the flash. Um...yeah. Guess I'm not so good at a point-and-click camera. Please also note the Thanksgiving cards from both Steve and Maz and John. How incredibly thoughtful of them to send to this lil' Yank girl who was spending Turkey Day in the UK, no? C'mon, everyone, can I have an "Awwww..."?
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