However, I did see some that could fall into the realm of (gasp!) "consideration" (that being, not a flat share situation, allowing a Star, cute, near a tube station, etc.). So many, in fact, that I happily closed up the laptop and thought to myself, amazed, "Wow. Like, I can do this...I will be able to find a place! Hooray!"
It's funny that the closer I get to the end of the month — and the application for the visa — the more I find that I'm really ready (in every sense of the word) to just go. Really. There's truly nothing holding me here.
We have one go-'round on this big blue marble. I don't ever want to be on my deathbed wishing for the things I should've-would've-could've done. Didn't Ferris Bueller say something similar once? (winks)
After all, the sooner I get to move, the more days I have to spend at Andrew Edmonds enjoying a long, leisurely lunch...(P.S. That's where the pic was taken; it was one of the best dining experiences in my life.)
Just wanted to come and say thank you and good luck with your plan on moving to London. Perhaps when you do I will treat you to a coffee, after all, your comment on my blog really meant something and helped just when I needed it = ) All the best, Dawson