Tracy, my neighbor, came over the other night after seeing flashing lights, a helicopter, and locked-up traffic outside of our windows on the nearby beltway. (It was just a couple of carjackers that crashed into an overhead sign after stealing a cop's SUV. The vehicle exploded into a fireball, one of the carjackers died, the other ran--but was apprehended within the hour. Good times. Nothing to see here, people...move along...)
Anywho, she came over as I was trying desperately to fit some Christmas treats into a box for Phil Squirrel. I'd actually purchased the contents about five weeks ago, and spent a procrastinating month-plus wrapping it and trying to shove it in this little box to finally send off.
Since Tracy was over, we opened up some wine (which was much better than the Di

I'm pleased to report that all was squashed into the box and promptly shipped out...um...three days later. (Why is is that going to the post office is the worst-ever errand? Is that just me?)
"It was just a couple carjackers..." Yikes. Desensitized much? hehe