Now, it must be noted that on the Web site it clearly welcomes "all dogs of shapes and sizes...as long as they are 'well-behaved.'" Mmm-hmm...Thus, for the past two weeks, I've b

Red suggested that she really ought to be given the chance. She was right and the four of us (Red, Rox, Star, and I) drove on down prior to the party's start time to The Dog Bar.

Star did better than I ever could've imagined. There were only a couple of people she tried to bite, which, with as many as were in the small place, was phenomenal. There were two dogs that annoyed her, but it seemed they annoyed the other doggies, too...kinda like the bullies in elementary school. (Oh, wait -- I was one of those.)

Red brought out Roxy's cake about halfway through the party, and I'm still amazed that she has all ten fingers after doling it out to the doggies.
It really felt like Vegas with all of the overstimulation--a crowd stuffed into the small establishment, people talking loudly, dogs barking eve more loudly, cocktails, birthday parties, Great Danes...whew. I think I slept as well as Star did once we finally arrived home.
Great place, though. Since Star handled herself like a true lady, we'll be able to go back. Hooray!
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