Of course, the four months will likely be what I'll need to recouperate. Following dinner, Tracy, Susie an I played a round of bar golf, which culminated in getting hot and sweaty on a salsa dance floor at Cosmos. Too fun...Mental note: never do shots. Ow.
Susie had to crash (i.e. pass out) at my place, as it was late-late and there was no way either of us were in a state to drive her home. Upon waking up, she remarked, "Geez, Andrea, you keep your house so cold! What's the temp in her

I worked from home on Friday to ensure I'd be around when the heater repairman came. It turned out to just cost me $125 (whew!) and the guy was awfully helpful and kind, even clearing out the many, many spiders and webs from the outside unit. Eew...
Friday evening, deciding to take it easy, I figured I'd call in for Thai Taste (my fave Thai restaurant that delivers). I went to get my wallet but...wait...Where is my wallet? Seems yours truly was dumb enough to lose it the night before.
Freaking out, I called to cancel cards, but received an e-mail from a stranger who'd found my old Web site with its e-mail address. He had it, said that even my cash was still in there, and had been trying to leave messages for me at my work phone number. Wow. I love that people like this still exist.
Last night was another interesting evening, as Red and I went to Suite for a "recession busters" party (no cover, two free drinks). After our free drinks, we left. Red wasn't too impressed with the place. ("This is it? This is what everyone's been talking about??") We found ourselves at The Breakfast Club, dancing to '80's tunes and hanging with folks dressed up in period-appropriate garb. Aww, even Dead Scott was there! Good times.
Of course, I awoke this morning with a bit of ouch. The kind that can only be cured with a big ol' Big Mac...Why is it that grease is the best cure for a hangover? Yikes...
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